Learn ABC - A-APPLE_2
  • Learn ABC - A-APPLE_2
  • Learn ABC - B
  • Learn ABC - A
  • Learn ABC - 2books

Learn ABC



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This is a captivating tale set in a garden where the extraordinary meets the everyday, guiding readers through a realm where music forms the essence of life itself. This story centers around a young explorer, whose curiosity leads them into a series of magical encounters with personified musical notes. Each character they meet represents a different note on the musical scale, embodying unique emotions, colors, and attributes.
Make My Story

Introducing LittleDreamers into the Alphabets with space theme

"Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni " are the basic swaras (notes) of the sangeet (music), each note is represented by certain character like - "Sa" for peacock feather called as "Shadja" and exhibit character like light pink colour and love. This story is about our littledreamers meeting all other characters [swaras] in the process of learning music.

Meeting Sadhja (Sa), peacock feather

Sadhja is a music teacher, our littledreamer meets him accidentally in a garden

Meeting Sadhja (Sa), peacock feather

Gandhara [Ga], a Goat

Gandhara is a gold coloured goat, known for its kindness and compassion. It saves our littledreamer from the Rishab (Re), an angry bull.

Gandhara [Ga], a Goat